So you want to ride with us? Follow the steps below to get started on your mountain bike journey!

- Check out our FAQ Page!
- Find a team to ride with here because mountain biking is more fun with friends! No team in your area? You have options – start a team!
- Contact your head coach who will provide you with everything you need to know about your new team. No bike? Your coach will help you find a loaner or a new one.
- Not so sure about this? Try out one preseason event or team practice (April – August). First make sure to get your favorite adult to help fill out this online waiver.
- Your coach will email you a link to register for the team in Pit Zone. You will review our code of conduct and pay your league and team fees. If you need financial aid, try our scholarship application.
- Attend lots of practices and league events. We can’t wait to meet you!